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In the events industry, it can be typical to think of waste as an inevitable part of bringing people together. At Gatekeeper, we think differently. We are committed to hosting eco-conscious events and to actively consider the waste we do produce, thinking about alternatives and ensuring that if there is no alternative to a wasteful product, that it is disposed of in a responsible way.


Batteries are one of the most thrown away products in the AV industry, second only to tape. For our events, we use rechargeable batteries for all of our audio equipment and mobile devices. 

As a side note, whilst power consumption might not be the first thing most people think of when they think about when they think eco-friendly, it is something that we think about, that's why we turn our equipment off when not in use.

Video Accessories
Colorful Tapes


Tape is probably the biggest single use consumable in the industry, being used to secure cables, attach set pieces, label equipment and more. Gatekeeper have gone a long way to reducing our use of this single use consumable product by ensuring our cables are secured with Velcro ties; our sets are held together with reusable cable ties or screws; and our equipment's labels are dry-wipe whiteboards.


Power Consumption

It's common for other AV companies to have a policy of leaving all of their equipment on for the duration of the conference or event (usually over multiple days) even overnight when no body is in the venue. Not only is this wasteful, but also a fire risk. The reason given is "if it works, I'm not messing with it!" In reality, this is flawed logic and completely unnecessary. Being a good AV technician means saving your settings and being competent with the equipment so that turning it off overnight shouldn't cause any setbacks the next morning.

Set materials

Often, a customer will require a set with their branding printed on it, perhaps also with text, images or logos specific to their one-off event. This can be very wasteful.

At Gatekeeper we have a number of different solutions to this problem. One answer is digital materials. We can display table plans, itineraries, marketing material and more digitally, removing the need for costly and wasteful printing.

Using an LED wall as a backdrop to your main stage is not only versatile in content but also highly impressive. With vivid colours and impressive animations, this option will leave a lasting impression on your guests. 

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